Thursday, 5 July 2007

The Record Breaking Day

Have you ever been in that situation where you're talking to a complete stranger, totally out of context and all they have to say is a few words before you know almost exactly where they're from? I'm not talking about oh, you're from England/Oz etc, I mean, you can tell down to about a 5 mile radius where they're from! Well, it happened to me in good old Chicago.

I'd returned from my day out with Jen and wound up sitting outside with a few beers bought round the corner store, and now being consumed in manner not dissimilar to a bunch of 16 year olds having a sneaky White Lightning hoping the wont get caught. The strict no drinking on the premises rule was being broken left right and centre generally speaking because people had just had enough and needed to do what travellers do...sit and chat crap over a beer or 5. It was the first time that being at the hostel (a subject of continuous groans throughout the evening) had actually sparked into something resembling life.

Outside then, one of the girls had said barely 3 words when a smile cracked over my mug. Clearly English, I knew, almost instantly where she was from...I spoke a few words back and a smile cracked on her face...we exchanged the usuals...She was from Edgware, a place a couple of miles up the road from my old abode in London. Apparently I was the first north Londoner she'd met on her trip (and she'd been in the US for 11 months studying and traveling!).

The night finally ended for me at around 2.30am after what had been a great finale to an awesome day. Maybe I was finally starting to get Chicago.

The morning brought breakfast with Nikki (the lovely London girl from last night) and we shot off around the corner, near the El station to get a bite to eat. The sun was already beating down on us and I could see my plans for the day being somewhat effected by the intense heat. Although we'd agreed to meet up today we both had very different things planned for the day, however when it was suggested that it might be a good day to go to the beach by one of the waiters we took one look at each other and knew exactly what we'd be doing that day!

Just 5 blocks away from our current location lay the lovely sandy beach we'd been looking for. Strange to think that if it hadn't been so hot I could have been here and not even known how close I was to this! Fortunately the record breaking 93 degree sun took care of that!

Today life slowed right down, a welcome break just at the right time. We at in the shade, soaking up the atmosphere, chatting away, stories about our trips, our homes and just general rubbish that makes the day drift along. She was off to see her boyfriend and meet the parents in Boston, feelings of dread welling up inside of her, knowing that they just wouldn't see eye to eye. He a middle class rebel related to John Quincy Adams and her, the rebellious Londoner were to meet the completely non rebellious, blissfully unaware upper class parents. Its one of those stories you really want to know how it ends.

Amidst the chatting and general laziness I managed to fulfil a little dream - To play footy on the beach! OK, so its not on the beach in Brazil but it'll do. We saw a kid, Mexican looking, kicking a ball about a bit by himself and Nikki suggested I go and ask him if he wanted a kick about. Sure enough I got up off my ass and went and asked him, next thing you know we're having a kick about! A perfect little moment!

We also managed to glimpse what we called "God on a bike", as we saw a man cycle past us. We didnt have our cameras at teh ready, fortunately I was well prepared as he came back past us!

Al sunned out for the day we decided to hit up a bar and grab some food. We'd found the place we wanted to eat at and when we came in were asked if we'd like to sit on the terrace. Sounded absolutely lovely, so without further ado we agreed and were taken outside. That's when we saw it. A shambles of an outside area that didn't look like it had been used in months! A few plastic seats dotted amidst the various bugs scattering the floor. Being Brits though we braved it and despite the conditions enjoyed a pretty good meal!

By the time we were due to meet up later, Nikki had caught a good dose of sun stroke and we decided to stay in (or just outside as it happened) rather than go out to a bar. Once again, we got chatting and the hostel seemed a much better place to be than it had just 48 hours ago!

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